[from Psych]
Conforth: Listen, your program breaks down as follows: a third will be spent in the classroom, a third will involve field work, and a third will be focused on physical training.
Shawn: What about the other third?
Gus: Are you kidding?
Shawn: Nevermind. Surprise us.
[from Psych]
(Gus walks into the office.)
Shawn: Tried to make some joe, but our coffee maker's busted.
Gus: We don't have a coffee maker.
Shawn: What was I fiddling with for the last half hour?
(A couple minutes later, Gus holds up his burnt humidifier.)
Gus: My humidifier looks nothing like a coffee maker!
Shawn: I'll buy you a new one.
[from Psych]
Shawn: When you were annoyingly talking to Kim for the 9th time today, I was on the phone with Harvard who said there is no record of Declan going there.
Gus: So the guy lied on his resume. If that makes somebody a killer, then you're Ted Bundy.
[from Psych]
Gus: The thing is…I have something big to tell you.
Shawn: You know you can say anything to me, Gus! We've known each other forever, and there's absolutely nothing that could dent our impenetrable bond.
Gus: I have a secret girlfriend.
Shawn: You're dead to me.