[from Psych]
Shawn: If I’m gonna die, you better be right behind me, or I’m gonna haunt your kitchen cabinets until the day you die.
[from Psych]
Juliet: (about their partnership) I'm sorry Shawn, but it's over.
Shawn: I understand. It was fun while it lasted.
Juliet: No it wasn't.
Shawn: We made a great team.
Juliet: No, we didn't. It was a disaster! Partners don't lie to one another, and partners don't run off mid-investigation, and partners do not go through my purse, find my phone and text photos of my dog to every guy in my address book with the caption, "This is you!"
[from Psych]
Juliet: I am itching to get back into the field even if that means babysitting Shawn.
Henry: You two are working the case together. No reason for anything to fall through the cracks.
(Shawn and Juliet walk away)
Shawn: Babysit? Really Jules, come on.
Juliet: Shawn, what have you done today?
Shawn: Let’s see. I watched some Phineas and Ferb, took a nap, had a snack…I’m a little tired.
Juliet: Exactly.
Shawn: I just want to beat Gus and Lassiter!
Juliet: And catch the killer?
Shawn: Yeah sure, if that's what it takes.
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