Sunday, January 23, 2011

Funny quotes of the day #106

[from Psych]
Shawn: There is no way that I'm showing you what's in this folder.
Henry: You're lucky I'm even asking you, Shawn. I could do this the simple way. I could grab it from you, clean up any evidence of a struggle before you and your little friend here knew what hit ya.
Shawn: Some states, that's called child abuse.
Gus: I think all of them.

[from Psych]
Gus: You can't re-review something, Shawn, it's redundant. Like re-repeat or re-reflect.
Shawn: You can if you've already peated and flected twice.

[from Psych]
(after Lassiter pulls his gun on a barking Rottweiler)
Shawn: Who are you, Michael Vick?
Lassiter: I'm not going to shoot him. He doesn't know that.
Shawn: He doesn't know anything. He's a dog.

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