Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Funny Quotes of the Day #39

[from NCIS]
McGee: Ah, found it. See, the new SS7 data circuits, they block display of the number, but the calling party number message is still carried on the line.
Tony: I don't know what you just said, I don't care what you just said. Just give me the number.

[from NCIS]
Tony: You remember when I stayed with you that time, when it didn't really go so well?
Gibbs: Yeah. I remember, DiNozzo.
Tony: Well, listen. I was younger then. Immature, a little unfocused...
Gibbs: It was six months ago, Tony.

[from NCIS]
Tony: I'm a man of action, Kate.
Kate: More like an action figure.
Tony: Why, you want to play with me?
Kate: As in you look good, but you really can't do much.
Tony: But I look good.

[from NCIS]
Kate: If we screw this up, I have a suggestion.
Tony: What?
Kate: We break into Gibbs's basement and we set his boat on fire.
Tony: That's cold, Kate. I knew there was a reason I liked you.

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