Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Funny Quotes of the Day #44

[from Pushing Daisies]
Olive: [pouring a drink] Look carefully, ladies; this is your future.
Lily: Is it vodka?
Olive: No, water.
Lily: As in Russian for vodka?

[from NCIS]
[McGee walks in wearing sunglasses]
Tony: Wait a second. I know that look. You had sex, and I am guessing it was with a girl.
McGee: No...
Tony: No it wasn't a girl?
McGee:'s none of your business.
Tony: If the Probie was probing last night, I demand details.

[from NCIS]
[Tony hits Ziva with a spitball]
Ziva: Don't you have paperwork, DiNozzo?
Tony: What do you think I'm doing? I take the paper, and I make it work.

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