Monday, November 19, 2007

Funny Quotes of the Day #43

[from Home Improvement]
Jill: I'm still worried about Randy. After you pick up Mark, will you drive around and look for him?
Tim: Sure. I'll go around a city of six million going "Randy... Randy..."
Jill: Wait, take my cell phone. If you see him, call me, or if he comes back, I'll call you. Wait, what's my number?
Tim: Don't you know?
Jill: Well, I never call myself.
Tim: I never call you either. Why do we have this thing?

[from Home Improvement]
Tim: Where's the station wagon, Brad?
Brad: Well, it is called a Nomad, maybe it wandered off.

[from Home Improvement]
Tim: When I'm gone, you guys will be the men of the house, so you'll have to do what I normally do around here.
Randy: Electrocute ourselves and irritate Mom?
Tim: Those are big shoes to fill.

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