Saturday, November 17, 2007

Funny Quotes of the Day #41

[from NCIS]
Tony: Boss, is there a reason why you always take these back roads?
Kate: Or do you just hate us?
Gibbs: I hate traffic more!
Tony: I think I’m going to puke.
Gibbs: Roll down a window.
[phone rings]
Gibbs: [hands phone to Kate] Here answer this.
Abby: Hey, Gibbs, it’s Abby...
Kate: Abby, it's’re going to have to speak up. Gibbs is apparently trying to kill us!

[from NCIS]
Tony: Remember the good old days, Kate?
Kate: What good old days?
Tony: When Gibbs would confide in us and treat us like peers?
Kate: No.
Tony: Good. I thought I was the only one.

[from NCIS]
Tony: Rush hour. Kinda a misnomer if you ask me.
Gibbs: I didn’t.
Tony: I mean it’s not like anybody’s really rushing anywhere and it always takes more than an hour. They should call it, like…
Gibbs: Shut up and sit there before I shoot you hour!
Tony: I was thinking of something a little shorter...

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