Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Funny Quotes of the Day #21

[from Hope and Faith]
[when cleaning out the attic]
Hope: We have to get rid of what we don't want.
Charley: You heard her, Faith. Get in the box.

[from Hope and Faith]
[while in court]
Hope: We're having a 5 minute recess.
Faith: Okay, where is this playground anyway?

[from Hope and Faith]
Hope: Aren't you afraid we can die up here?
Faith: No I went to go see a psychic. I'm going to live to be 95.
Hope: What about me?
Faith: Oh yeah...watch your step

[from Hope and Faith]
Faith: Shy sista, mean sista. Too scared to speak sista...in the eighth grade, wouldn't even give a peak, sista.

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